day 14 travel map France

Don't waste your time on this motorhome sign

Approach road too steep to use

run down chateau Vieillevie

Dilapidated castle Vieillevie 

River Lot Vieillevie France

River Lot Vieillevie 

Service point of the aire

Service point of the aire Vieillevie 

Cajarc to Vieillevie

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Day 14

We sleep very well, catching up on the lack of sleep last night, and have a slow morning.

The day is overcast and looks like it might rain. We rest and plan the day, service the camper before we leave, empty the tanks and fill the freshwater tank as it is almost empty.

We drive the along the river valley by the Lot on the D19 most of the way to Figeac, a medieval town about 15 miles away. We park in the Aire next to the sports stadium where there are 15 dedicated spaces for motorhomes. It is packed with cars and young men when we arrive, it looks like there is an event on at the stadium (there is). It starts to rain quite heavily, we eat our lunch and decide not to stay and look round, too many people and nothing very special here.

We take the N122, a good road to Bagnac sur Cété, then D25, a much narrower road to Saint Martin, then south on the D272/D72/D963, the roads getting narrower and more bendy as we go. We stay on the north side of the river Lot and follow it on D42, alongside its meanders all the way to Saint Projet. We look at a small parking site next to the river and under the trees. Camper Contact App. says that this is an Aire, but we think not.

The approach road is very steep, and the sign clearly says no camping (tents/caravans). We decide not to stay, a good decision as it turns out.

Later note :: This is NOT an aire, it's the parking area for a restaurant, our opinion is that the approach road is not suitable for large motorhomes and it should be avoided.

It is now pouring with rain, heavy and dripping off overhanging trees and large muddy puddles across the road. We carry on along the river Lot (now on D141) for another five or six miles to Chateau Vieillevie where we find the Aire Municipale in the centre of the village. Despite the pouring rain, it looks ideal, five parking spaces for motor homes separated by tall hedges and disposal facilities, all free. We park up.

It is 4.00pm and we are ready for a stop. Between the heavy showers we get out and see that the track from the Aire goes down to the river… it is too wet to venture down there now. Instead we open a bottle of Fitou, very nice, and have meatballs in chilli sauce.

After tea the rain stops, and an eerie mist descends on the Lot valley. We walk through the village, once a lovely holiday destination, now everything closed or for sale. We cross the bridge over the Lot river and walk up to the tiny village of St Sulpice, just an eglise and half a dozen houses. Everywhere is deserted, including the castle and church. There are many places like this in rural France, it looks like a lot of people have abandoned them and moved away. They look like they need some care and attention.

Back at the camper it is getting dark, there are two of us here overnight, we read and have an early night.

We find public toilets of the municipal car park very close by, open urinals are the rear - see photos.

Pitches with hedges between

Service point of the aire Vieillevie 

open air urinals

Vieillevie open air urinals

inside the toilet block

Vieillevie public toilet interior

toilet exterior

Vieillevie toilet exterior



Summary of motorhome journey

mpg average
47.9 29.6 19 2:27

Totals for this journey

1186.4 29.6 30 38:28